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Reduce Fatigue Related to Cancer Treatment

Reduce Fatigue Related to Cancer Treatment

Enhanced concentration

Enhanced concentration

Helps Maintain Energy and Vitality

Trusted by Patients

Trusted by Patients

Homeopathic Treatment

Manufactured in the USA

Manufactured in the USA

FDA Manufactured Approved

Featured in NEWS

Encer Recognizes Cancer-Related Fatigue Awareness Month in December”

Encer creates a revolution: Cancer-Treatment related fatigue (CTRF) stands as one of the most daunting obstacles for individuals undergoing cancer treatment worldwide”

Encer Now Available on Amazon: A Game-Changer in Relief from Fatigue Related to Cancer Treatment”

Encer - homeopathic medicine for cancer related fatigue treatment

Tired of struggling with fatigue? Can’t find a solution for low energy? You’re not alone. A staggering amount of individuals with cancer experience Fatigue Related to Cancer Treatment, characterized by extreme tiredness and a profound sense of weakness.
While healthcare providers often suggest short-term solutions like exercise, regulated sleep, and dietary changes to alleviate symptoms, these options don’t always offer a lasting remedy.

Encer is formulated from 5 homeopathic ingredients.. This homeopathic medicine addresses mental causes and enhances attention performance. Encer is the result of a homeopathic formula designed by experts to combat fatigue related to cancer treatment.

A breakthrough that relieves cancer-related fatigue.

Tired of struggling with fatigue? Can’t find a solution for low energy? You’re not alone. A Staggering amount of individuals with cancer experience Fatigue Related to Cancer Treatment. characterized by extreme tiredness and a profound sense of weakness.
While healthcare providers often suggest short-term solutions like exercise, regulated sleep, and dietary changes to alleviate symptoms, these options don’t always offer a lasting remedy.

Encer is formulated from 5 homeopathic ingredients.. This homeopathic medicine addresses mental causes and enhances attention performance. Encer is the result of a homeopathic formula designed by experts to combat fatigue related to cancer treatment.

Why Encer?

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Homeopathic Remedy

Utilizes components to reinvigorate Energy, combating fatigue associated with cancer treatments

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Stimulates the body’s resistances and aims to promote better energy and focus

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Tailored Approach

Formulated to address symptoms of Fatigue Related to Cancer Treatment

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5-in-1 Remedy

Our homeopathic solution combines the potency of five different treatments in one powerful remedy.

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Designed for Daily Use

Designed to relieve fatigue and helps prevent poor concentration during cancer treatment.

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Enhanced Well-being

Focuses on holistic health, fostering equilibrium between physical and mental fatigue for overall well-being.

Why Encer?

Icon Description


Utilizes components to reinvigorate Energy, combating fatigue associated with cancer treatments

Icon Description


Stimulates the body’s resistances and aims to promote better energy and focus

Icon Description


Formulated to address symptoms of Fatigue Related to Cancer Treatment

Icon Description


Our homeopathic solution combines the potency of five different treatments in one powerful remedy.

Icon Description


Designed to relieve fatigue and helps prevent poor concentration during cancer treatment.

Icon Description


Focuses on holistic health, fostering equilibrium between physical and mental fatigue for overall well-being.

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Encer success stories

Shortly after my cancer diagnosis, I started chemotherapy that came with symptoms of nausea, loss of appetite,(and) fatigue. I was very tired, but couldn’t sleep at night. Every basic thing was difficult to do. Two weeks after I started using Encer, my symptoms were reduced and I finally got a good night’s sleep and had energy during the day. So grateful Encer came into my life.
I’ve been on a two-year journey with breast cancer, and I’ve just begun incorporating ENCER into my routine. Being a fitness professional, maintaining high energy levels to support others is crucial for me, and I’m thrilled to see ENCER making a difference. The most remarkable change is the abundant energy I feel each morning, which sustains me throughout the entire day. I’m starting to recapture the essence of who I was before cancer and the transformation has been astounding.
As an oncologic nurse, I hold a unique perspective – and based on my personal experience, I wholeheartedly recommend the homeopathic remedy I received during my radiation therapy. If I had to choose one thing that constantly stood out to me, it’s that remarkably my energy levels remained constant, despite the daily two-hour commute to the hospital for cancer treatments. Anticipating a decline in my condition, I was pleasantly surprised to find that it never occurred and I completed the treatment with the same energy and stamina I started (with), all thanks to Encer’s ability to give me energy to keep going.
Having teenage kids that need me, my low energy levels due to my intense cancer treatment left me exhausted and with minimum ability to function. After learning about Encer, I started to notice small changes that became a big deal: my appearance changed, I looked less “gray” and my skin was more full of life. My schedule has changed. From sleeping all day, I found myself skipping nap time and even taking a walk on the beach. It’s not only me that was feeling the change – my family and friends noticed a change in my energy and stamina right away. What made the difference was Encer, and I feel lucky to be able to use it throughout one of the hardest times of my life. It’s giving me power to push forward.
Taking Encer was an experience that was not just about my energy levels going up and they were in fact going up! It was about hope. While folks around me getting radiation were feeling more and more tired, I seemed to be buzzing with energy. I saw people were crashing and having to take naps after treatments, while I was out in the town, soaking up life, even taking dance classes! Encer gave me a different method to deal with cancer, and how lucky I was to cross paths with this homeopathic medicine. It’s more than a story; it’s my life! and taking Encer determines how I will feel and live through my cancer journey!
After my diagnosis, I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to spend as much time with my kids and continue to participate in my community. As a working father of three and sports coach, I need all of my energy to continue to be the best version of me. Once I started feeling the side effects of CTRF, I knew I had to act fast to continue to be there for others. I saw an ad for Encer online, I wanted to give it a shot. At first, I was skeptical about homeopathy. After researching and consulting with my health providers, we decided to give homeopathy a chance to try and trigger my body’s self healing. This decision was one of the best of my life! Within a month my energy came back. I’m happy Encer can support me on my overall wellness journey.

Encer Research was conducted at the SHEBA MEDICAL CENTER
under the guidance of Prof. Merav A. Ben- David, MD,
the Head of the Oncology Department.
Sheba, Israel's largest medical center and "A leader in
medical science and biotechnical Innovation, both in
the Middle East and worldwide," has been ranked as
Newsweek's 10th' best hospital in the world.


The ARC Innovation Center, (Accelerate, Redesign,
and Collaborate), The driving mission behind ARC
Center is to improve patient care for the global
healthcare marketplace, The program runs
approximately 20 to 30 startups each year and
operates a large digital health innovation fund.


The cGMP initiative ensures appropriate
design, monitoring and control of
manufacturing processes and facilities set
to make sure that all drugs meet quality


MADE IN USA - Environmental
Regulations and Quality
Standards You Can Trust


Encer Research was conducted at the SHEBA MEDICAL CENTER under the guidance of Prof. Merav A. Ben- David, MD, the Head of the Oncology Department. Sheba, Israel's largest medical center and "A leader in medical science and biotechnical Innovation, both in the Middle East and worldwide," has been ranked as Newsweek's 10th' best hospital in the world.


The ARC Innovation Center ,(Accelerate, Redesign, and Collaborate), The driving mission behind ARC Center is to improve patient care for the global healthcare marketplace, The program runs approximately 20 to 30 startups each year and operates a large digital health innovation fund.


The cGMP initiative ensures appropriate design, monitoring and control of manufacturing processes and facilities set to make sure that all drugs meet quality standards.


MADE IN USA - Environmental Regulations and Quality Standards You Can Trust

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Encer is a homeopathic medicine treating Fatigue Related to Cancer Treatment a common and problematic side-effect of cancer treatment affecting Fatigue Related to Cancer Treatment, during treatment and post-recovery. Encer provides energy and improves fatigue, leading to a better overall quality of life for patients in different stages of cancer battle and recovery.

Homeopathic remedies are generally considered safe when used as directed. They are non-toxic and have no known adverse interactions with conventional cancer treatments.

The duration for experiencing improvements in fatigue symptoms can vary among individuals. Some may notice changes within a few weeks, while others may take longer. Patience is essential, as the body’s response to homeopathic remedies differs for each person.

Encer has no known side-effects with known medications on oncological treatments, Encer does not have interactions or contraindications with the medications on oncological treatments.

Encer is one of the first homeopathic treatments that specifically combats Fatigue Related to Cancer Treatment.

Yes, Encer improves the natural ability to focus and concentrate and enhances attention span and improves cognitive performance — all related to mental and physical fatigue.

The study was conducted in a double-blind randomized manner. Research was approved by the Sheba Medical Center Institutional Review Board and conducted according to the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki.


Encer is a homeopathic medicine treating Cancer Related Fatigue (CRF) a common and problematic side-effect of cancer treatment affecting over 70% of all oncologic patients, during treatment and post-recovery. Encer provides energy and improves fatigue, leading to a better overall quality of life for patients in different stages of cancer battle and recovery.

Homeopathic medicine are generally considered safe when used as directed. They are non-toxic and have no known adverse interactions with conventional cancer treatments.

The duration for experiencing improvements in fatigue symptoms can vary among individuals. Some may notice changes within a few weeks, while others may take longer. Patience is essential, as the body’s response to homeopathic remedies differs for each person.

Based on clinical research and the studies it relies on, Encer do not have interactions or contraindications with medications or oncological treatments.

Absolutely, it’s the first and only research-based over the counter medicine fighting cancer fatigue.

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